Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για puppet on a string
1. These two parties exploit their political strength and move Olmert around like a puppet on a string.
2. As she remained unconscious with the storm throwing her and her parachute about like a puppet on a string, her ground crew used state–of–the–art monitoring equipment to follow her progress across the angry skies.
3. In his mind, the idea that "Tzipora" Livni, whom he once called a puppet on a string, could be the next prime minister, while he is relegated to the bottom of the barrel in the surveys, is unthinkable.
4. The Prime Minister turned to walk away and Lord Levy said, "Tony, wait, I need to speak to you." "I thought, "My God, what a way to talk to a Prime Minister." But Mr Blair stood there like a puppet on a string while Levy continued his phone call for at least a couple of minutes.
5. "This amendment gives our colleagues a chance to distance themselves from these despicable tactics; distance themselves from the notion that some group literally has them on a leash, like a puppet on a string," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R–Kentucky.